Importing staff

When you have a large amount of staff to import we recommend using the Import tool in the Staff section with a spreadsheet file.

Importing staff

  1. Navigate to the Staff section, and click on the Import button.
  2. Using the format described on the page, create a spreadsheet containing the staff you'd like to import into your account.
  3. Choose the file you've created, and tick "First row contains headings" if the first row of your spreadsheet contains column headings and not an actual staff member.
  4. Click Import.

Parent Events will then attempt to add each row as a staff member or administrator. If an error occurs during the import process for a specific row, that row is skipped and the import process will continue. Any errors are usually related to the email address already existing within Parent Events, or one of the columns is not in a valid format.

Each new staff member successfully imported will receive an email with instructions to set up their account and log in to manage their bookings.

Column format

We recommend starting with the downloadable template within the Import section, but you can make your own using the following reference for which columns map to specific fields:

  1. Last name
  2. First name
  3. Email
  4. Default classroom
  5. Default meeting URL
  6. Type (Staff or Administrator)
  7. Mobile phone number

Columns that are in bold must be specified with a value. Other columns can be left empty if required, but the number or order of columns must still match the format listed above

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